How to add an HTML footer to all pages

Use the 'Manage head tags' feature.

Add a piece of code with the following content:

<template id="footer-template">
    This is a footer!

  const onload = function onload() {
    const footer = document.querySelector('.page-footer');
    const template = document.getElementById('footer-template');
    footer.innerHTML = '';
  window.addEventListener('load', onload)

Instead of "This is a footer", you can use your own piece of HTML.

The default Brick footer will be replaced with the piece of HTML code listed inside the <template>.

😍 You can also use an image as a footer, just add this code to your Head tag and adjust size, height or other properties to your needs (Contact support if you need help).

*Replace the given URL with the URL of your image

 .page-footer {
   background-image: url(;
   background-size: cover;
   height: 200px;

Note: this will not work on Internet Explorer 11. If you want your pages to work with IE11, you will have to construct the HTML piece manually instead of using the <template> element.